Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam <p>Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam is a scientific journal published by the Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Da'wah, Bojonegoro Islamic High School. This journal publishes scientific research results in developing concepts and theories related to the study of Islamic Guidance and Counseling including Islamic education counseling guidance, Islamic mental counseling guidance, Islamic career counseling guidance, sakinah family counseling guidance, post-disaster counseling guidance, Islamic spiritual counseling guidance; Islamic counseling: social-religious counseling, counseling on drug control, family planning counseling, adolescent counseling; BKI media: Islamic e-counseling; Islamic training, and Islamic motivation. Manuscripts that are submitted to the journal editor before publication will pass an assessment through a double blind review, meaning that neither the author nor the reviewer know each other.</p> Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam en-US Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2809-2147 The Effectiveness of Islamic Counseling Through WhatsApp Lectures in Improving Millennial Parenting Patterns <p><em>This study aims to obtain an overview of the effectiveness of providing Islamic counseling through WhatsApp lecture groups in improving millennial parenting styles, by assessing the behavior and actions taken by millennial parents towards their children after counseling with an Islamic approach through WhatsApp lectures. This research uses a survey research model. Based on the survey results, it can be seen that respondent (1) be more aware of their own mistakes (2) be more patient and painstaking. (3) be aware of the deficiency and need to spare more time with the child (4) The explanations are easy to understand and easy to practice so that result the best as they want (5) be more restrained when get angry and try to think positively (6) trying to understand the needs of children than obeying own ego (7) be more careful in doing something (8) After the Islamic counseling session that has been done, the respondent can do a different handling when facing a tantrum child afterwards.</em></p> Latifatul Khairul Umam Siti Kasmila Dadan Suherdiana Muhammad Irfan Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 4 1 1 8 10.53915/jbki.v4i1.392 Effectiveness Islamic-Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (I-REBT) to Reduce Students Hedonistic Lifestyle <p>This research aims to find out whether students' hedonic lifestyles can be reduced with an Islamic-Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy religious integration approach. The study in this research uses a literature review approach. Through the efforts of this literature review, integration can be achieved without reducing the overall concept of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) from Albert Ellis, but everything is interrelated. Because Ellis' thoughts and religious beliefs (Islam) do not conflict. Literary studies of religious approaches to Islamic guidance and counseling are able to provide a role for theoretical and practical scientific development. The research results show that the Islamic-Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy religious integration approach is effective in reducing students' hedonistic lifestyle tendencies.</p> Rahmat Sya'ban Santoso Ahmadi Nurjannah Nurjannah Shabiha Anjum Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 4 1 9 19 10.53915/jbki.v4i1.386 BK Role in Career Decision Making in Class 3 Students of SMAN 1 Banyudono <p>This research aims to 1) describe the role of guidance and counseling teachers in planning the Guidance and Counseling Program to direct the sustainability of education in the future. 2) describe the role of guidance and counseling teachers in implementing the Guidance and Counseling Program to direct the sustainability of student education in the future. 3) To describe the role of guidance and counseling teachers in seeking students' interest in continuing their education at university. Data collection techniques include observation and open interviews with guidance and counseling teachers and several students at the school. The data analysis technique in this research uses the Miles and Huberman interactive model. The research results show that students' career understanding is very low, so the role of BK in helping students' career planning is very important. BK can provide guidance, such as group or individual guidance. Apart from that, BK can also provide information services regarding major selection.</p> Elsya Ameylia Pradina Aryanda S.N Qurratul'ain Nadya R.N Fashya Noviana Dina Lorenza Dzaky Haidar Taqy Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 4 1 20 28 10.53915/jbki.v4i1.465 Early Socialization and Psychological Support for Children Victims of Violence at SMP Kartika IV-I Surabaya <p>Children are part of the young generation who are the successors of the nation's ideals who have a strategic role and require protection in order to ensure complete and balanced physical, mental and social growth and development. To reduce cases of violence against children, a comprehensive policy is needed. Early prevention and education efforts are needed that involve all parties and elements of society. Violence against children can have a very detrimental impact, not only on the victim directly but also on society as a whole. Therefore, socialization and early psychological support are needed in dealing with violence in children. The aim of holding this activity is to increase children's knowledge about violence, the types and steps that must be taken if violence occurs to them. Apart from that, initial psychological support is here as an effort to help children who have been victims of violence, whether physical, psychological or sexual violence.</p> Septyana Dwi Rahayu Rizka Aulia Madhengsan Nikmatul Ilma Alifah Khusnul Khotimah Moh Nasoihul Ibad Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 4 1 29 35 10.53915/jbki.v4i1.455 Analysis of the Meaning of Life for the Elderly in Coping Loneliness Problem on Film Sweet Bean <p>Not everyone can reach the elderly phase, but loneliness is often experienced by those who reach that phase. Loneliness here includes social and emotional emptiness, sometimes making them wish for death. However, there are elderly people who have a positive understanding of life, considering it as an incentive for meaningful activities. Making sense of life is not only for the young, but is also important for the elderly. The meaning of life can help them overcome loneliness and social problems. Movies like "Sweet Bean" shows how the elderly view their lives positively even though they are faced with physical problems, such as the main character who remains enthusiastic even though he is suffering from leprosy. Seeing this, research was conducted to explore the picture of loneliness experienced by the elderly and how the meaning of life helps overcome these problems in the context of the film Sweet Bean. The research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research. Data collection techniques include documentation and observation.</p> Manda Rosa Yanti Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 4 1 36 45 10.53915/jbki.v4i1.484 The Impact of Conformity on Vandalism Behavior in Students <p>This research aims to find out whether students' hedonic lifestyles can be reduced with an Islamic-Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy religious integration approach. The study in this research uses a literature review approach. Through the efforts of this literature review, integration can be achieved without reducing the overall concept of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) from Albert Ellis, but everything is interrelated. Because Ellis' thoughts and religious beliefs (Islam) do not conflict. Literary studies of religious approaches to Islamic guidance and counseling are able to provide a role for theoretical and practical scientific development. The research results show that the Islamic-Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy religious integration approach is effective in reducing students' hedonistic lifestyle tendencies.</p> Anggi Junia Restika Sugeng Sejati Aisyah Putri Adeyola Riyani Ermanti Lubis Tesa Septriani Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 4 1 46 55 10.53915/jbki.v4i1.492 Transpersonal Psychology Approach in Cases Anxiety: Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography <p>This study aims to conduct a review of the discussion on transpersonal psychology approaches to anxiety disorders in the last five years to answer the pros and cons with the scientific evidence that has been available in the last five years. This research uses literature review and annotated bibliography methods related to the topic raised in the last five years, in this case there are 29 literatures selected after screening and consideration. In this study, the main points of the 29 literatures found that the transpersonal psychology approach in cases of anxiety is on average successful in both qualitative, quantitative and R&amp;D contexts. In addition, transpersonal approaches in cases of anxiety are dominated by Islamic approaches. However, it becomes another challenge for us when it is faced with digitalization, where in one case the approach was applied through an application and in fact it still failed to treat anxiety cases.</p> Lailatul Yusro Nurus Sa'adah Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 4 1 56 66 10.53915/jbki.v4i1.472 The Role of Peer Counseling in Adolescent Adjustment <p>Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adulthood. At this time, teenagers are vulnerable to experiencing difficulties in living life, one of which is difficulty adjusting to new environments. Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Putri An-Nuriyah Surabaya has new students, most of whom are teenagers. So it is difficult for them to adapt to the new environment at the Islamic boarding school. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The peer counseling implemented at Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Putri An-Nuriyah Surabaya can help new students adjust. So it can be concluded that peer counseling plays a very important role in adolescent self-adjustment at Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Putri An-Nuriyah Surabaya.</p> Reny Wisudawati Ning Arum Darwin F. Ignacio Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 4 1 67 71 10.53915/jbki.v4i1.501